Rug Summit 8

SEPTEMBER 17-19, 2014

Rug Summit 8 is shaping up to be the best and most informative ever! This year's event will be a JAM-PACKED three days of learning, sharing and networking with your friends and colleagues in the field from across the country.

The event begins Wednesday afternoon with a visit to a fully automated Moore Rug Plant at K.A. Pridjian & Company. Tom Jundanian will host the Rug Summit attendees.

After the plant tour, attendees are invited to stay after for hospitality at the rug plant. The evening will unfold with food and cocktails. This will be a time to greet and meet everyone coming in for the Summit. The mingling in the attached rug gallery will create the ambiance to be enjoyed by all with some live music by some of the musicians among us.

On Thursday, another visit is scheduled at an automated Moore Rug Plant tour. The group will visit Boushelle, Inc., owned by Karl Heinrick. This is the company that bought the first ever Moore Time Saving Equipment from founder Arthur Moore. It will be here that Robert Mann, Murray Peacock and others intend to perform some wash floor demonstrations to show different approaches to common issues that occur in a rug care facility with the equipment there.

Additionally, the morning will have break-out sessions on-site in group settings with tables and chairs covering relevant matters to the rug care business. The key presenters and topics will be announced soon. Sessions will conclude mid-afternoon.

On Friday, the group will reconvene at K.A. Pridjian's for various presentations. The Rug Summit will conclude approximately at noon.


Slated to include Two Rug Cleaning Plant Tours!
Rug Summit 8 will feature TWO exceptional rug cleaning plants in the Chicago area. Each of these companies has been serving customers since the beginning of the twentieth century!

Rug Plant Tours


Also Includes Our Annual Moore Time-Saving Equipment User Roundtable!
We once again look forward to welcoming owners and operators of Moore Equipment from across American and the globe! This year, we'll discuss a wide range of topics including: 

  • Our first 2 years of ownership: What have we learned?
  • Product developments
  • Discussion of maintenance programs
  • Feedback from the field: Tell us your thoughts and concerns

All Rug Summit 8 Attendees Are Cordially Invited To Participate


Meet Kay Mabie. The "voice" of Moore's for over 45 years!
Meet Kay MabieFor over 45 years, Kay Mabie has been the friendly and helpful voice that MOR in-plant operators around the world have heard when they called the company. Incredibly knowledgable about virtually every aspect of these machines, Kay has worked for the Moore Company for all of these years. She has been retained by Centrum Force when we acquired the company in August of 2012. Many large Moore in-plant operations will finally meet Kay in person! Kay will be honored to meet everyone and answer questions regarding our MOR Time Saving Equipment Division.